Newsletter – October 2014

Sons of the American Legion- Commander Gene Hill

The Sons of the American Legion held its monthly meeting September 16, 2014. Thoptember 16, 2014. se in attendance were Bob Nellis, Gene Hil, Deone Hardy and Bill Nenno.


We currently have 21 members who have paid dues for 2015. Of that 21, four are new members. We had 85 members at the end of May. We have signed 18% since June.

Elephant Days

I, along with the other SAL members would like to THANK everyone who volunteered and worked at the Elephant Day Booth. The proceeds were not what we were hoping, but by the SAL donating the remainder of the unused items to the Post for use it wasn’t a total bust. Thanks again for all the help.

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The post is continuing with Wednesday night dinners. The meals are being prepared by volunteers. If any SAL member has a favorite they would like to prepare, just let myself, Linda A. or Kathy N. know. We need some help in November. Just let Linda or Kathy know what you need and the quantity they will even order it for you.

Friends of Foster Children

A $100.00 donation was made to this charity.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting well be held October 21, at 6:30 PM at the post. Our meetings are always the third Tuesday of the Month
As always, remember that organizations are not really organizations, they are just people. Help out when you can and when you see them, thank those that do help out and let’s all work together for the common good.
Thanks for supporting our Post, our Community and most of all —the Veteran