Newsletter – August 2016


The department of New Mexico Annual convention was held June 23rd -26th in Alamogordo. Election of officers was held; the results are:

Department Commander- Dave Stevens
Dept. vice Commanders- John Sterle, BJ Johnson, Yvonne Harrison & Dan Onork
Sargent at Arms- Mike Mendez.

John Sterle a new area Vice Commander was our District Commander, congratulation John! John’s replacement as District Commander is Post 44s Sargent at Arms, Bill Conklin. Bill will continue as our Sgt. at Arms. Great job Bill!

I made a promise awhile back that we would not run out of food for the Wednesday meals. This past month for two weeks in a row we had to dispose of over 40 meals. This cannot continue. We need participation from our members. The meals were Chicken Fried Steak and Pork chops, our two best meals.

We are also hurting in Legionaries help in the kitchen and working the door for membership, IDs and 50/50 tickets. The Auxiliary and SALs shouldn’t have to carry all the responsibilities by themselves. The patio project is moving along. The materials for the building are on order. The building labor will be done by legionnaire and SAL members, free of charge.

Wish us luck.

Please remember participation in activities, gaming and canteen is what keeps us going.

God bless the USA, its veterans and their families.

Charity & Education
Charity and Education donations for July came to $2,886.14.  Recipients include:  American Legion Department $486.44, T/C Memorial Trust $450.00, Care Packages $349.70, Post 44 Golf Fundraiser $100.00, Hot Springs High School Football Software $250, Operation Wounded Warrior (Petersen Memorial Ranch Rodeo) $500.00, and $500.00 allocated for scholarships.

Finance Officer- Bob Nellis
HAPPY NEW YEAR: Our fiscal year for 2015-2016 ended on June 30 th . The fiscal year 2016-2017 started on July 1st. Over the last year we grossed over $750,000 dollars. When all expenses were deducted we had a net profit of over $8,000 dollars.

Ending the year in the black was quite a feat. During the year we incurred some expected and unexpected expenses. An AC unit was installed in the game room, new stools were purchased, a patio and door were installed, and a new compressor for the walk in cooler was installed. Those are just a few of the major expenses we incurred.

Looking at the New Year, we are in the process of ordering the material to complete the installation of the top and sides for the patio. We are also looking into expanding our video surveillance system. As the year progresses there will be other issues come up. I’ll try to keep everyone on board as to what is going on.

None of this would have been possible without our numerous volunteers, pull tab players, gaming participants, pool players, and all the other activities that you support. A big thank you and job well done goes to you all.

Activities Committee – Kathy Norton and Linda Amdal
Many thanks to Johnathan Mendoza, Bob Nellis, Bob Acre, Donnie Polstin, Deone Harty and Tom Cleveland for their valiant efforts in installing our new door to the future patio!!  Their combined efforts saved the Post approximately $500.00 in installation costs.  What great volunteers!!

On Tuesday, August 9th from 9 am to noon, we are having Post Cleaning Party!!  Let’s make it a PARTY!!  There is much to be done and many hands make quicker work, so please, please plan to donate some time in this endeavor.  The Post won’t clean itself….

Stand up, Bob Nellis, and take a bow!!  You have been voted “Volunteer of the Month” for all you continue to do at the Post!  You paint, clean, fix, cook, count, install….Is there anything you can’t do??  We are all very grateful!!  Thank you!!

Sunday, August 21, we will celebrate “Hot August Nights” (should have done it in July!!!) with hot dogs, & fixins, and ice cream sundaes.  Break out your aloha shirts and grass skirts for this shindig!!

Thanks to all who support our post and we look forward to seeing you soon!!